Grade 7 Curriculum

Below are skills needed, with links to resources to help with that skill. We also encourage plenty of exercises and book work. Curriculum Home

Important: this is a guide only.
Check with your local education authority to find out their requirements.

Grade 7 | Division
☐ Understand and be able to use Long Division
Long Division
Long Division With Remainders
Long Division to Decimal Places
Long Division - Why and How
Long Division - Organised Guessing
Long Division Animation
Long Division - Introduction
Long Division Worksheets
Division Worksheets
Grade 7 | Numbers
☐ Distinguish between the various subsets of real numbers (counting/natural numbers, whole numbers, integers, rational numbers, and irrational numbers)
Irrational Numbers
The Evolution of Numbers
Real Numbers
Rational Numbers
Common Number Sets
Introduction to Sets
Whole Numbers and Integers
Definition of Real Numbers
Definition of Whole Number
Definition of Counting Number
Definition of Natural Number
Definition of Rational Number
Definition of Irrational Number
Definition of Integer
Is It Irrational?
Set-Builder Notation
Activity: Subsets
☐ Determine the prime factorization of a given number and write in exponential form
All Factors of a Number
Prime Factorization Tool
Prime and Composite Numbers
Prime Factorization
Definition of Prime Number
Definition of Composite Number
Definition of Prime Factor
Prime Numbers Chart and Calculator
Prime Number List
Prime Number Lists
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
☐ Simplify expressions using order of operations (Note: Expressions may include absolute value, square roots and/or integer exponents greater than 0.)
Absolute Value
Order of Operations - BODMAS
Order of Operations - PEMDAS
Definition of Order of Operations
Order of Operations Calculator
Squares and Square Roots
☐ Add, subtract, multiply, and divide integers
Addition Worksheets
Number Line
Adding and Subtracting Positive and Negative Numbers
Casey Runner
Multiplying Negatives Makes A Positive
Fix the Equation
☐ Add two integers (with and without the use of a number line)
Number Line
Addition Worksheets
Casey Runner
Using The Number Line
Adding and Subtracting Positive and Negative Numbers
☐ Develop a conceptual understanding of negative and zero exponents with a base of ten and relate to fractions and decimals (e.g., 10-2 = .01 = 1/100)
Negative Exponents
Index Notation - Powers of 10
Definition of Exponent
Definition of Power
☐ Recognize and state the value of the square root of a perfect square (up to 225)
Squares and Square Roots
Definition of Square Root
Definition of Perfect Square
☐ Determine the square root of non-perfect squares (or harder perfect squares) using a calculator
Scientific Calculator
Squares and Square Roots
☐ Classify irrational numbers as non-repeating/non-terminating decimals
Irrational Numbers
e - Euler's number
Golden Ratio
Nature, The Golden Ratio and Fibonacci Numbers
Common Number Sets
Is It Irrational?
Rational Numbers
☐ Identify the two consecutive whole numbers between which the square root of a non-perfect square whole number less than 225 lies (with and without the use of a number line)
Number Line
Squares and Square Roots
☐ Recognize the difference between rational and irrational numbers (e.g., explore different approximations of pi)
Irrational Numbers
The Evolution of Numbers
Rational Numbers
Common Number Sets
Is It Irrational?
Activity: Find an Approximate Value For Pi
☐ Place rational and irrational numbers (approximations) on a number line and justify the placement.
Irrational Numbers
Number Line
Real Numbers
☐ Write numbers in scientific notation
Index Notation - Powers of 10
Scientific Notation
Definition of Scientific Notation
Standard Form
Definition of Standard Form (Numbers)
☐ Change numbers written in scientific notation to ordinary numbers
Index Notation - Powers of 10
Scientific Notation
Definition of Standard Form (Numbers)
☐ Compare numbers written in scientific notation
Index Notation - Powers of 10
Scientific Notation
☐ Find the common factors and greatest common factor of two or more numbers
All Factors of a Number
Greatest Common Factor
Greatest Common Factor Calculator
Definition of Greatest Common Factor
☐ Determine multiples and least common multiple of two or more numbers
Least Common Multiple
Least Common Multiple Calculator
Definition of Least Common Multiple
Least Common Denominator
☐ Subtract two integers (with and without the use of a number line)
Number Square Puzzle
Using The Number Line
Quick Subtraction
Adding and Subtracting Positive and Negative Numbers
Casey Runner
☐ Compare and order integers from -10 to 10
Whole Numbers and Integers
Compare Numbers: -10 to +10
☐ Recognize and state the value of the cube root of a perfect cube (up to 216)
Cubes and Cube Roots
☐ Determine the cube root of non-perfect cubes (or harder perfect cubes) using a calculator
Cubes and Cube Roots
☐ Identify the two consecutive whole numbers between which the cube root of a non-perfect cube whole number less than 216 lies (with and without the use of a number line)
Cubes and Cube Roots
☐ Know and understand the Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic.
Fundamental Theorem of Arithmetic
Prime Factorization
Prime Factorization Tool
Grade 7 | Fractions
☐ Add and subtract a combination of three or more fractions with unlike denominators
Equivalent Fractions
Adding Fractions
Subtracting Fractions
Least Common Denominator
Common Denominator
Adding and Subtracting Mixed Fractions
Simplifying Fractions
Grade 7 | Percentages
☐ Calculate the full amount (100%) when given a different percentage of the same amount e.g. If you know 25%, what is 100%?
Introduction to Percentages
Grade 7 | Ratios
☐ Calculate distance using a map scale or a model scale
Definition of Map
Definition of Scale
Definition of Scale Drawing
Activity: How High?
☐ Calculate scales of maps, scale drawings or models as ratios
Definition of Map
Definition of Scale
Definition of Scale Drawing
Activity: How High?
Grade 7 | Measurement
☐ Determine personal references for metric units of mass
Metric Mass (Weight)
Weight or Mass?
Measuring Metrically with Maggie
Definition of Mass
Definition of Weight
☐ Justify the reasonableness of the mass of an object (metric units)
Weight or Mass?
Metric Mass (Weight)
☐ Convert capacities and volumes within the metric system
Metric Volume
How to Safely Convert From One Unit to Another
Unit Converter
Conversion of Volume
Definition of Litre | Liter
Definition of Millilitre | Milliliter
Definition of Capacity
☐ Identify metric units of mass
Metric Mass (Weight)
Weight or Mass?
Measuring Metrically with Maggie
Activity: Discover Mass
☐ Convert mass within the metric system
Metric Mass (Weight)
How to Safely Convert From One Unit to Another
Unit Converter
☐ Draw central angles in a given circle using a protractor (circle graphs)
Degrees (Angles)
Using a Protractor
Definition of Protractor
Pie Chart
☐ Determine the tools and techniques required to measure mass with an appropriate level of precision (metric units)
Accuracy and Precision
Metric Mass (Weight)
Weight or Mass?
Definition of Balance Scales
Definition of Spring Balance
Weighing Jelly Babies
Office Weighings
Activity: Discover Mass
☐ Know the metric units of area: Square Millimeter, Square Centimeter, Square Meter, Hectare and Square Kilometer; and how to convert between them.
Metric Area
Metric System of Measurement
Unit Converter
☐ Determine personal references for US standard units of mass
US Standard Mass (Weight)
Weight or Mass?
Definition of Mass
Definition of Weight
Introduction to US Standard Units
☐ Justify the reasonableness of the mass of an object (US standard units)
US Standard Mass (Weight)
Weight or Mass?
☐ Convert capacities and volumes within the US system
How to Safely Convert From One Unit to Another
US Standard Volume
Unit Converter
Conversion of Volume
Definition of US Standard Units
Definition of Capacity
☐ Identify US standard units of mass
Introduction to US Standard Units
Weight or Mass?
US Standard Mass (Weight)
Activity: Discover Mass
☐ Convert mass within the US system
How to Safely Convert From One Unit to Another
Unit Converter
US Standard Mass (Weight)
☐ Determine the tools and techniques required to measure mass with an appropriate level of precision (US standard units)
Accuracy and Precision
US Standard Mass (Weight)
Weight or Mass?
Definition of Balance Scales
Definition of Spring Balance
Activity: Discover Mass
☐ Know the US standard units of area: Square Inch, Square Foot, Square Yard, Acre, Square Mile; and how to convert between them.
US Standard Area
Unit Converter
Grade 7 | Geometry (Plane)
☐ Build a pattern to develop a rule for determining the sum of the interior angles of polygons
Interior Angles of Polygons
Definition of Polygon
☐ Calculate the radius or diameter, given the circumference or area of a circle
Definition of Radius
Definition of Diameter
Activity: Find an Approximate Value For Pi
Activity: The Olympic Athletics Track
☐ Find a missing angle when given angles of a quadrilateral
Quadrilaterals - Square, Rectangle, Rhombus, Trapezoid, Parallelogram
Interior Angles of Polygons
☐ Understand that Angles on a Straight Line Add to 180 degrees, and Angles Around a Point Add to 360 degrees
Adjacent Angles
Angles on a Straight Line Add to 180
Angles Around a Point Add to 360
Supplementary Angles
Triangles Contain 180 Degrees
Exterior Angle
Degrees (Angles)
Exterior Angles of Polygons
Interior Angle
Straight Angles
☐ Understand Tessellation, and what is meant by regular and semi-regular tessellations.
Tessellation Artist
Definition of Tessellation
☐ Know the names of polygons with 5, 6 and 8 sides, know the sizes of their interior angles, and know what is menat by regular, irregular, concave and convex polygons.
Grade 7 | Geometry (Solid)
☐ Calculate the volumes of prisms and cylinders, using given formulas and a calculator
Equations and Formulas
Pouring Liquid
Volume of a Cuboid
Cuboids, Rectangular Prisms and Cubes
Spinning Cylinder
Definition of Prism
Prisms with Examples
Definition of Cylinder
Scientific Calculator
Activity: Soup Can
☐ Identify the two-dimensional shapes that make up the faces and bases of three-dimensional shapes (prisms, cylinders, cones, and pyramids)
Spinning Cone
Spinning Cylinder
Spinning Pentagonal Pyramid
Spinning Square Pyramid
Spinning Triangular Pyramid
Prisms with Examples
Spinning Tetrahedron
Activity: Investigating Solids
☐ Determine the surface areas of prisms and cylinders, using a calculator and a variety of methods
Area of Circle, Triangle, Square, Rectangle, Parallelogram, Trapezium, Ellipse and Sector
Area Calculator
Cuboids, Rectangular Prisms and Cubes
Spinning Cylinder
Definition of Surface Area
Prisms with Examples
Scientific Calculator
Activity: Soup Can
Grade 7 | Algebra
☐ Add and subtract monomials with exponents of one
Definition of Monomial
Like Terms
☐ Evaluate formulas for given input values (surface area, rate, and density problems)
Equations and Formulas
Definition of Surface Area
Definition of Density
Activity: Dropping a Coin onto a Grid
Activity: Buffon's Needle
☐ Write down the reciprocal of an algebraic expression
☐ Add and subtract simple polynomials with exponents not greater than 3
Like Terms
Definition of Polynomial
Grade 7 | Exponents
☐ Develop the laws of exponents for multiplication and division
Laws of Exponents
Exponents of Negative Numbers
nth Roots
Grade 7 | Inequalities
☐ Solve one-step inequalities (positive coefficients only)
Introduction to Inequalities
Solving Inequalities
☐ Graph the solution set of an inequality (positive coefficients only) on a number line.
Number Line
Solving Inequalities
Definition of Number Line
Grade 7 | Linear Equations
☐ Translate two-step verbal expressions into algebraic expressions
Introduction to Algebra - Multiplication
Add Two Numbers and the Answer is Always 1089
Why the Answer is Always 1089
☐ Solve multi-step equations by combining like terms, using the distributive property, or moving variables to one side of the equation
Commutative, Associative and Distributive Laws
Like Terms
Algebra - Definitions
Simplify in Algebra
Solving Equations
Balance when Adding and Subtracting
Grade 7 | Trigonometry
☐ Identify the right angle, hypotenuse, and legs of a right triangle
Right Angled Triangles
Right Angles
Definition of Right Angle
Definition of Right-Angled Triangle
Definition of Hypotenuse
☐ Explore the relationship between the lengths of the three sides of a right triangle to develop the Pythagorean Theorem
Pythagorean Theorem Proof
Pythagoras Theorem
Right Angled Triangles
Definition of Pythagoras Theorem
3, 4, 5 Triangle
Pythagorean Triples
Activity: Pythagoras' Theorem
☐ Use the Pythagorean Theorem to determine the unknown length of a side of a right triangle
Pythagoras Theorem
Pythagorean Theorem Proof
3, 4, 5 Triangle
Pythagorean Triples
Activity: A Walk in the Desert
Activity: Pythagoras' Theorem
Activity: Drawing Squares
☐ Determine whether a given triangle is a right triangle by applying the Pythagorean Theorem and using a calculator
Right Angled Triangles
Pythagoras Theorem
3, 4, 5 Triangle
Pythagorean Theorem Proof
Pythagorean Triples
Scientific Calculator
Grade 7 | Polynomials
☐ Identify a polynomial as an algebraic expression containing one or more terms
Definition of Polynomial
Algebra - Definitions
Grade 7 | Functions
☐ Write an equation to represent a function from a table of values
Definition of Function
What is a Function
Grade 7 | Data
☐ Identify and collect data using a variety of methods
How to Do a Survey
Activity: Lengths of Leaves
☐ Predict the outcome of an experiment
Survey Questions
☐ Design and conduct an experiment to test predictions
How to Do a Survey
Survey Questions
☐ Compare actual results to predicted results
Data Graphs (Bar, Line, Pie)
Showing the Results of a Survey
☐ Display data in a circle graph (pie chart)
Data Graphs (Bar, Line, Pie)
Pie Chart
☐ Convert raw data into double bar graphs and double line graphs
Data Graphs (Bar, Line, Pie)
☐ Calculate the range for a given set of data
Definition of Range (statistics)
The Range (Statistics)
☐ Read and interpret data represented graphically (pictograph, bar graph, histogram, line graph, double line/bar graphs or circle graph)
Data Graphs (Bar, Line, Pie)
Showing the Results of a Survey
Make a Bar Graph
Bar Graphs
Pie Chart
Line Graphs
Grade 7 | Estimation
☐ Estimate surface area
Estimation Games
Activity: Garden Area
Definition of Surface Area
Visual Estimation
What is Area?
☐ Justify the reasonableness of answers using estimation
Estimation (Introduction)
Estimation Tips and Tricks
Definition of Estimation
Definition of Estimate
Visual Estimation
☐ Estimate the areas of plane shapes by counting the number of squares needed to cover the shape.
Activity: Garden Area
What is Area?
Grade 7 | Graphs
☐ Draw the graphic representation of a pattern from an equation or from a table of data
Definition of Pattern
Definition of Table
Grade 7 | Probability
☐ Interpret data to provide the basis for predictions and to establish experimental probabilities
Probability Line
Activity: Dropping a Coin onto a Grid
Activity: Buffon's Needle
Grade 7 | Statistics
☐ Select the appropriate measure of central tendency
How to Calculate the Mean Value
How to Calculate the Median Value
How to Calculate the Mode or Modal Value
The Mean Machine
Definition of Mean
Definition of Median
Definition of Mode
☐ Determine the validity of sampling methods to predict outcomes
Definition of Random Sample
Grade 7 | Money
☐ Calculate unit price using proportions
Definition of Unit Price
Unit Price
Unit Price Game
Unit of Measurement
Activity: Grass for the Garden
☐ Compare unit prices
Unit Price
Unit Price Game
Unit of Measurement
Activity: Grass for the Garden
☐ Convert money between different currencies with the use of an exchange rate table and a calculator
Currencies of the World
Scientific Calculator
Activity: Currencies