The Booklet Puzzle
The Puzzle:
Hungry Horace likes to keep a note of all the recipes he enjoys. Every year he selects his favourites from the list and publishes them in a little booklet. However, every year he has the same problem: How does he arrange the recipes on the big sheet of paper so that they all come together in the right order when the booklet is finished. Perhaps you can help him once and for all.
The diagram shows how to make a booklet of 32 pages by folding a large sheet of paper. If the final booklet (5) is trimmed along three edges it will open properly. How should the original sheet of paper be printed so that all the pages come in the right order, and be the right way up?

The diagram shows how to make a booklet of 32 pages by folding a large sheet of paper. If the final booklet (5) is trimmed along three edges it will open properly. How should the original sheet of paper be printed so that all the pages come in the right order, and be the right way up?

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