Worksheets » Decimal Fractions

Decimal Fractions Worksheets

Addition :: Subtraction :: Multiplication :: Division :: Conversion

The following worksheets all use "Decimal Fractions", in other words tenths, hundredths, etc, not 1/2, 1/3 etc. This makes them a little easier to work with.

Decimal Fractions - Addition

Worksheet Example
Tenths, Single Digits 3/10 + 8/10
Units and Tenths 1 3/10 + 2 8/10
Hundredths 7/10 + 33/100
Units and Hundredths 1 7/10 + 2 33/100
Thousandths, Double Digits 43/100 + 98/1000
Thousandths, Triple Digits 1 33/100 + 438/1000
Thousandths, Four Digits 31 43/100 + 2 815/1000

Decimal Fractions - Subtraction

Worksheet Example
Tenths, Single Digits 3/10 - 8/10
Units and Tenths 1 3/10 - 2 8/10
Hundredths 7/10 - 33/100
Units and Hundredths 1 7/10 - 2 33/100
Thousandths, Double Digits 43/100 - 98/1000
Thousandths, Triple Digits 1 33/100 - 438/1000
Thousandths, Four Digits 31 43/100 - 2 815/1000

Decimal Fractions - Multiplication

Worksheet Example
Tenths, Single Digits 3/10 × 8/10
Units and Tenths 1 3/10 × 2 8/10
Hundredths 7/10 × 33/100
Units and Hundredths 1 7/10 × 2 33/100
Thousandths, Double Digits 43/100 × 98/1000
Thousandths, Triple Digits 1 33/100 × 438/1000
Thousandths, Four Digits 31 43/100 × 2 815/1000

Decimal Fractions - Division

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